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New Persian Gulf War II
The attack on our cities may have been the 2nd phase of the Persian Gulf War

Now that the Middle Eastern connection to the attacks seems nailed down, the question is who in that area is the most angry at the US

My best guess (the Israelis say this too) is Saddam Hussein.

Since it seems likely that whoever did the operational planning for these attacks had the backing of a government, the Iraqi government is probably the one.

The Gulf War was not about Israel or about Islamic values vs. Western values, it was about commerce and resources. We drove Iraq out of a Muslim state, Kuwait. Hussein tried to cover his actions in religious and anti-Israeli terms but failed to convince even the majority of his fellow Arabs of this ploy.

We have been attacking Iraq ever since the 'end' of the Gulf War on a regular basis.

News reports say that in order for the US to build the largest possible coalition against terror Iraq is not going to be named as a terrorist nation or connected to the attack on the US.

If Hussein is behind Bin Laden (or whoever it is that dispatched the suicide crews) and we choose to ignore this, then we might as well do nothing about the attacks at all.

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New I suspect that we are playing possum on that
why did god give us a talleywhacker and a trigger finger if he didnt want us to use them?
Randy Wayne White
New Re: Persian Gulf War II
Hussein's is a throughly secular state. He can't possibly inspire people to die like that. And if Osama is as religious as he claims to be, he should hold HUssein in complete contempt.

That notwithstanding, if he gave money and the organizers of the catastrophy accepted, he should be on our lits. Just not the first priority.
     Persian Gulf War II - (andread) - (2)
         I suspect that we are playing possum on that -NT - (boxley)
         Re: Persian Gulf War II - (Arkadiy)

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