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New Al Qaeda fighting in Basra
[link|http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5478,6202988%255E663,00.html|Weren't they not supposed to be in Iraq?]


BRITISH military interrogators claim captured Iraqi soldiers have told them that al-Qaida terrorists are fighting against allied troops near Basra.

At least a dozen members of Osama bin Laden's network are in the town of Az Zubayr, where they are co-ordinating grenade and gun attacks on coalition positions, according to the Iraqi prisoners of war.

A senior British military source inside Iraq said: "The information we have received from PoWs today is that an al-Qaida cell may be operating in Az Zubayr, near Basra in the south. There are possibly around a dozen of them and that is obviously a matter of concern to us."

British forces were believed to be preparing a military strike on the base where the al-Qaida unit was understood to be holed up.

If confirmed, it would be the first proof of a direct link between Saddam's regime and Osama bin Laden.

I say:

Proof is subjective. Those of us who have common sense have always known they were there. The rest will never believe, no matter what the proof.
The future is leaving the station, the US is at the throttle, and the Left isn't on board.
No oil for TotalFinaElf!
CHICKENHAWK! Scourge of clucking hens everywhere!
Victory is the answer. There are no alternatives.
New So, I guess this war has re-invigorated Al Qaida.
Much as many of us suspected.

Osama bin Laden's brother could fly in US airspace 9/15/01, but I had to wait for FBI and CIA background checks, 'nuff said?
New Re: Al Qaeda fighting in Basra
Well, al-Qaida also had quite a few cells in America, too. But no one (besides the lunatic fringe) had suggested that as proof we had a hand in the attacks.

However their presence does complicate things, they are highly trained and ruthless.
New Well, it had to be Al Quita, didn't it...
I mean...Saddam's forces wouldn't be fighting us THIS hard.
New Inevitable find
Right now you could probably find members of every violent Islamic group in the world in Iraq. Since it became clear that war was inevitable, they have been flowing into the country. I have seen reports of hundreds of men traveling from Afganistan to Iraq, a trip that there is only one reason to make right now.

New Too bad Saddam is not Christian
then we could bomb the shit out of him and nobody would fuss
New Deputy Prime Minister Tarik Aziz is. Close enough? :)

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. -- Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
New Nit: was.
New "Proof is subjective" - what a fscking idiot
Uh, hey Einstein! It's all relative! The Ricci tensor satisfies the Bianchi identities by virtue of subjective proof! "Uh, sort of, like, I think it's true. QED."

You have utterly no mental discipline - you've got the fattest, laziest head of anyone I've ever read. You're a mental deadbeat.
New You dickhead - why are your praising the man ???

You really are being far too kind.

Cheers Doug
<very f***ing big grin>

Spectres from our past: Beware the future when your children & theirs come after you for what you may have been willing to condone today - dsm 2003

Motivational: When performing activities, ask yourself if the person you most want to be would do, or say, it - dsm 2003
     Al Qaeda fighting in Basra - (marlowe) - (9)
         So, I guess this war has re-invigorated Al Qaida. - (mmoffitt)
         Re: Al Qaeda fighting in Basra - (cybermace5)
         Well, it had to be Al Quita, didn't it... - (Simon_Jester)
         Inevitable find - (JayMehaffey) - (3)
             Too bad Saddam is not Christian - (tablizer) - (2)
                 Deputy Prime Minister Tarik Aziz is. Close enough? :) -NT - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                     Nit: was. -NT - (Simon_Jester)
         "Proof is subjective" - what a fscking idiot - (deSitter) - (1)
             You dickhead - why are your praising the man ??? - (dmarker)

LRPD in a coma, I know, I know... it's serious.
116 ms