Waging war?
I don't believe, you know WTF you blather about.
WWI, Frontline always had these issues... mainly cause supply is about 1/4 as fast as attacking forces...
WWII, Frontline always had these issues... mainly cause supply is about 1/4 as fast as attacking forces...
Korea, Frontline always had these issues... mainly cause supply got bogged down in the MUD that *IS* Korea. Making them about 1/10th as fast as attacking forces...
Vietnam, well whole nother story there... Supply had to air drop MOST everything to forward forces... not enough palnes to do it properly either I might add.
GWI, Schwarzkopf(sp?) had ~6 months of UN, Kuwaiti and Suadi backing... with Zero obstructions to build up. Plus then Saddamn wasn't the end prospect.
GWII, the digs are easy, we didn't have ~6months of unobstructed build-up... Conflicting views on what Schwarzkopf(sp?) did wrong/right in the GWI... So go ahead and dig away... the ONLY real reason you get resistence in Iraq this time... SADDAMN is the end prospect!