The stuff on Ozzie TV showed 'happy little vegemites' (Aussie expression for nice).

That was what we were expecting at the start.

But in one other city where the US took the risk & drove in supplies, one crowd stood chanting something akin to 'hail Saddam we love you'. But beyond that they were satisfied to take the supplies.

We also had reports of at least 200 civillian dead in one town. The reports explained that the marines were getting tougher, they shot at anything that moved - there was also one report of troops entering a house to find 2 dead children a wounded father & ok mother the shooting was from 'stray bullets' (Hmmm maybe they should be booked for jay-zapping).

As the war is progressing both in time and toward Bagdhad, the killing is getting meaner. But as always it is Saddam's fault.

Doug M