(I put my comments about just one of his named Demons in, Religion)


I don't agree with him, but neither do I find his statements irrational or inconsitant with his beliefs, nor self -serving.
Perhaps that is where language has failed us, or we have corrupted language - your use of the word irrational in its negation!

A further problem we have, which is less about language - is the idea that a personal 'Belief' exempts its carrier from responsibility! for advocacy of ~certain sorts of extreme actions; like advocating atrocities akin to, shouting Fire! in a crowded threatre BUT.. because a personal (idea of a) Deity is appended to the exhortation:

It's OK for this atrocity. (This while: I believe one White Supremacist group was successfully sued down to net-worth-0; after a pair of its acolytes stomped a black man to death in the NW, some years ago.)

Foulwell and his ilk have for decades been exhorting his followers (those Believers we hear so much about) to commit "minor acts of terrorism for Just Plain Goodness" against: gays, doctors, ACLU (fill in the blanks on his personal [I Talk to God but Does She Indeed Talk Back?] hit lists) = pure and simple.

So while we go after the Present Fundamentalist Terrorists\ufffd -- let us at least remain consistently rational (as you seem to consider that Rev Foulwell and his ilk ARE):

Stamp out *ALL* the terrorists consistently, democratically = at home and abroad - in our meta-Jihad against Jihads.

How nice for you, that you place so High a value on a person's "consistency in his beliefs" and tacitly redefine those 'beliefs' (for being 'consistent') as rational! Yes you have Lots of company. All those who speak of G_d and God and reverently encapsulate internal fantasies and call those RevealedTruth: are quite Certain of All Things.

I know just what your little apologia for Jerry means too, for the rest of us who share the planet.

I think we might read different dictionaries. Or are you merely, automatically befuddled when the word God is sanctimoniously sprinkled within ANY piece of Hate-spewing doggerel whatsoever?

As to self-serving: Of Course Not! He is speaking for GOD! They always ARE.


Ah this just in: Dubya says,
the United States has the responsibility to rid the world of Evil !!!

WW-III enters on little pussy-cat sanctimonious doggerel, uttered by Our village idiot... pace pace O mio Dio