Language is a means of communication.
Communication means making someone understand what you mean.
The way to make someone understand what you mean from what you say, is to speak CLEARLY.
Unfortunately, without going to that link and finding out for myself, I can only wonder: WHAT THE FUCK is "Korean shark benched KFC: free [...] ate one too many co-workers I guess" SUPPOSED TO MEAN???
Something about a lawyer ("shark")? An athlete ("benched")? A fast-food worker? ("KFC"="Kentucky Fried Chicken"?)? Someone being judged 'Not Guilty' for something ("KFC: free"="Kansas Federal Court: You're a free man!"?)? A *literal* predatory fish ("ate one too many co-workers")?
Fuck knows.
What's annoyng is, so do YOU -- but you didn't fucking TELL us, you just spewed some totally unintelligible GIBBERISH!
Will you fucking STOP that?!?