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New Our top ten: Some as spammers some as responders ...
1. boxley 8038
2. Ashton 7176
3. deSitter 3577
4. admin 3413
5. Brandioch 3391
6. marlowe 2864
7. bepatient 2841
8. orion 2799
9. a6l6e6x 2602
10. drewk 2471

Calling it like a horse race half-way through the track <grin> ...

Boxley (sired by Opinion & out of Work) is number 1 having streaked to a commanding lead despite all attempts to box him in but close behind and with real staying power ready to attack back as Boxley weakens due to a distraction, is Ashton (Sired by Education & out of California). A long way back in the field but making a late break with a massive spurt is DeSitter (Sired by Frustration & out of Patience). Close behind an a strong call for 3-way placing is the ever reliable Admin (Sired by IWETHEY & out of Control) who is closely followed by another stayer Brandioch (sired by Logic and out of Humour) but then we have the new colt on the block Marlowe (sired by Jihad & out of Emotion) who has *not* surprised punters with his strong placing after streaking in from nowhere (with nothing), yet then followed closely by another stayer is BePatient (sired by Devotion & out of Luck), and hanging in despite the odds is the ever present Orion (sired by Attention & out of Order), and bringing up the tail end we have a6l6e6x (sired by KIndness & out of Breath) along with another regular loved by most of the punters at the track, drewK (sired by Capacity and out of Storage.


Doug (sired by Cheek & out of Fun)

Spectres from our past: Beware the future when your children & theirs come after you for what you may have been willing to condone today - dsm 2003

Motivational: When performing activities, ask yourself if the person you most want to be would do, or say, it - dsm 2003
New speechless with admiration

--rcareaga (sired by Sergio Leone, if you believe boxley and, at 283, out of the running)
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
New well I knew brandi was out of humor :-)
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]

To a lot of people in California hunting anything but the wild tofualope was equivelent to sacarificing babies to satan. S.M. Stirling
New And - mercifully down in the second decade . .
Andrew Grygus - sired by fungal spores and out from under a flat rock.
New Re: And - mercifully down in the second decade . .
..somewhere on a hill near Monrovia, with a spyglass, a sixpack, a handgun, and a cool hat, defending SoCal from SCUD attacks while the rest of you jabber.
New somewhere in a ladies bedroom 1/4 his age
while we suppose he is somewhere on a hill near Monrovia, with a spyglass, a sixpack, a handgun, and a cool hat, defending SoCal from SCUD attacks while the rest of you jabber.

will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]

To a lot of people in California hunting anything but the wild tofualope was equivelent to sacarificing babies to satan. S.M. Stirling
New Um . .
. . That'll be with a bottle of Laphroaig and an FN49 - a combo that's a lot more effective against SCUDs.
New Re: Um . .
Oh no! You slouch in a lawn chair until you hear/spy/are targeted by a SCUD - as it passes you draw your silver .45 and start blasting. In the other hand is the beer/Scotch. "Pow! Pow! Pow! ...Slurp."
New Kinda like a MacArthur for our times...
New Special mention

Cybermace5 (sired by Suspicion, out of Nowhere), a stunning new bolter - 42 posts since debut on 5th march. Post rate suggests this young colt will be one to watch. Some suspect that this fast pacing colt may be a classic ring-in but only time will tell.

DSM <grin>

Spectres from our past: Beware the future when your children & theirs come after you for what you may have been willing to condone today - dsm 2003

Motivational: When performing activities, ask yourself if the person you most want to be would do, or say, it - dsm 2003
New "Like Her Daddy"
was the first horse which (my mater & friend 'let me') bet on, at ~10 years of age. It was a shoo-in Favorite (9-5 IIRC?) and, with the ethics of a 10 yo:

I fussed about, "hows come I don't get to keep it All? Huh? uhhuh huh"
(As I doggedly resisted the Extremely Clear Logic that: "No, Kid.. the original stake was a 'loan' - you gets the *excess*, you ungrateful Brat what knows damn well how subtraction works..")

(Well, it wasn't put quite that way, but It Should Have Been. We had not the concept of 'clue-by-4' then, but it was needed. Why.. if I hadn't been straightened out forthwith, well - I had the nasty clever instincts as could lead to such corruption as {Oh Gawd} becoming.. an.. MBA! if much else had gone Wrong gone Wrong :-(

Ah well, Cybermacerator: Live Long & Prosper, whether or not Like Her Daddy.

Older Brat
     Our top ten: Some as spammers some as responders ... - (dmarker) - (10)
         speechless with admiration - (rcareaga)
         well I knew brandi was out of humor :-) -NT - (boxley)
         And - mercifully down in the second decade . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (5)
             Re: And - mercifully down in the second decade . . - (deSitter) - (4)
                 somewhere in a ladies bedroom 1/4 his age - (boxley)
                 Um . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
                     Re: Um . . - (deSitter) - (1)
                         Kinda like a MacArthur for our times... -NT - (inthane-chan)
         Special mention - (dmarker) - (1)
             "Like Her Daddy" - (Ashton)

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