Seems to provide identical behavior on Moz 1.3 and IE 5.0 to what we already have (give or take a pixel). Difference being that Moz adds margins and IE doesn't. But that's how it was anyway.
<style type="text/css">\n<!--\nbody { font-size: 100%; font-family: verdana; }\ntd { font-size: 90%; font-family: verdana; }\nh4 { font-size: 80%; font-weight: bold; }\nUL {\n LIST-STYLE-TYPE: disc;\n MARGIN-LEFT: 1em;\n}\nOL {\n MARGIN-LEFT: 1em;\n}\nLI { MARGIN-LEFT: 1em }\n\ni { font-style : italic; }\n.m { font-size: 80%; }\n.odd { background-color: #E6E8fA; }\n.even { background-color: #ffffff; }\n--> </style>