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Looks like a partisan hack job to me. He does have a point when talking about Clinton's failings in holding other countries responsible for what people based there do. But the rest of the article is little more then a smear.

His talk of using policy to convince the Taliban to give up bin Ladin is absurd. Short of military intervention what can we do them? Embargo trade? They don't trade much anyway and most of their trade partners are on our sanction list already, they would be happier if foreign relief workers left to begin with, they don't care how they appear in the international press. We have no power over them except military, and considering they threw Russia out of their own country, it's going to take more then an occasional bomber to get them to give up.

The most contemptible part is where he somehow transforms Clinton's policy of going to lengths not to hit bystanders into some sort of weakness. He may be right that bin Ladin and company perceive it that way, but that isn't a reason to abandon the policy.

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1. The New Republic is a left-of-center mag, that as a rule simply adores Clinton and demonises those who criticize him. As a rule. This is an exception, at the least, though it may herald a rethinking.

2. Clinton sure didn't go out of his way not to bomb that aspirin factory. What are the odds they use only terrorists to make aspirin and baby formula?
     The New Republic blames Clinton. - (marlowe) - (6)
         Thought provoking article. Thanks for the link. -NT - (Another Scott)
         Looks like - (JayMehaffey) - (1)
             Looks unlike - (marlowe)
         Remembering Qadaffi - (wharris2) - (1)
             The Unspellable. - (marlowe)
         An overgrown child. - (cwbrenn)

That's RattenSTEEN.
37 ms