I had no trouble installing it. Of course, with a lot of experience, I knew what the questions meant and what the implications of yes/no were.

Bow down to your mighty experience.

That said, I found the install program to be on the order of something generated by a script-kiddie. Compared to something like YaST's package maintenance interface (ncurses and rpm), dselect is a bad bad joke.

Er, bollocks, basically. The stock Debian installer is portable across 11 architectures, and there are a number of graphical replacements for the point'n'drool crowd. dselect sucks. DON'T USE IT THEN. There's plenty of alternatives - aptitude, synaptic, gnome-apt.

Once installed, it's Linux. Whoopee.

That's the WHOLE POINT, bozo.

What you are running into is yet more PC bullshit. I'm finished with Debian - there is no point to it, other than the empty ones made by the PC freak-geeks.

As stated before, YOUR perfect operating system is [link|http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp|here].

Go away, Ross. You don't want Linux. You're just throwing your own faeces around. I've no doubt if you had an Alpha in the house you'd be bitching about VMS in the exact same way.