Psst mate, wanna buy a slightly maimed copy
of Win98 - hardly been used, comes complete with rampant redirects so that every surfing experience need not leave the Mother Ship ('course if'n ya know a couple o' them Phi Beta Registrar keys to the executive loo well... this 'yere Bolivian Blue'll be a bitin' fingers and screamin cuss words just like new).
Now the little brad in the W98 talon's just to help Ol Blue keep his feet on the perch, mind you. Honest - he's just in sleep mode. A lot. He's just not much of an Explorer, scout. Anyway - really it's hardly been used at all. Useless one might say.
OK - maybe a little trade then? Sayfer one o' those WToucans er WTwokays? I heard they have really fine feathers..
Oh! did I mention the finely crafted filigrees around - yep the File Menus. Why ya gets to gaze off into that little pitcher and white space just a framin' all this techno stuff so pretty.. well, yes the actual File Info is in umm maybe 6-point Greek Tragedy Goudy - but hey! it's really Lots prettier than that ol 6-year old wounded parrot.
I mean - like those Whole Page er 'Properties' pictures - y'know? like when ya want to make yer cookie file (er "web viewing enhancement messages") R/O n' such? why instead of the dinky little 4-boxes say: ya gets A Whole little sculptured Page-let! to click one o' those 4 little boxes on. And it swoops and chandelles a lot like the little picture when ya copy somethin - boy those pages just Fly. It's a real Professional System! (though I guess the Twokay must have gilt-edges on the flyin pages too?)
(I'll bet that WTwokay bird's got such colorful feathers! - maybe the individual filename letters are -- different colors? and maybe ya can customize them so each one sounds different too?)
But ya know the neatest thing? Why I was a Explorin and a clickin on those bright-colored little boxes.. y'know? just sorta seein what pretty things I'd got fer free - and before I knowed it: why I had myself 4! (yep four) o' those different 'ISP - things' (Insolent Sorbet Purveyors - I think) and each one said he was better than the other ones.
Look.. if ya won't trade me up to a Twokay - how about just evensies for a well-thumbed copy of "Bill Gates and His Band of Barbarians" Huh? See: I just wanted a file manager and I got just so much More than that. I'll throw in a Coors Light too - great for cleaning sidewalls on tyres and inventin' stories 'bout Murican "beer" habits.
(Yeah - they do keep horses at Coors - why do you ask?)
98 Bird Fancier
forgot to line the bottom of the cage..
Hi Peter! :-P