Only in name. McCain has nothing in common with the actual, war-avoiding, fat-cat back-Easterners derived from Rockefeller. He does have affinity with Goldwater and his line - but not enough to qualify. He is more like one of the old rust belt Labor Democrats, like Dirksen [historical brainfart - Dirksen was Republican - my how things have changed since I was a kid ] and Humphrey, or powerful Senators like Richard Russell of Georgia (Robt Byrd of WVa is a close approximation).

As for Dole, everyone from Kansas, including Dorothy and Toto, pretends to be a Republican. Dole is too outspoken and forthright to qualify in reality, and also has a good looking wife who he actually sleeps with.

Dole is a fine man who commands respect and makes people laugh. He also lost the use of an arm during a shooting war. This alone bars him from actual representation in the party.

(Funny, I love Lincoln and Grant also.)

All these people have in common - they are not radicals. The Republicans today are mostly nutty radicals.