And he even understands propaganda.
When America and Britain crush Iraq, a new phase of their black propaganda will emerge - for which the British public ought to be prepared.
White, grey and black propaganda.
They include many Iraqis exiled in Britain, such as Khalid Sahi, who was tortured by the regime and opposes an attack "will bring nothing but more bloodshed, more misery"; and the anti-war Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn, who has protested about the Iraqi dictator for more than twenty years and demanded that the British government prosecute British companies that sustained the Iraqi torturers.
Why would an Iraqi who has left Iraq NOT support "getting" Saddam?
Also, not the 20 years of protest.
Marlowe, THAT is what a "principle" is.
That is what a "value" is.
Anyone can come in AFTER the damage is done and claim to oppose those actions. But your heros were the ones supplying Saddam with the funding and the weapons to carry out the actions your claim to "oppose".
You cannot oppose Saddam and his actions without opposing those who provided the funding and the technology.
Two years ago, Peter Hain, then a Foreign Office minister, blocked a parliamentary request to publish the full list of British companies that had illegally traded with Saddam Hussein.
I'd expand that list to include companies that did "legal" business with Saddam.
Show what was sold, when, by whom and to what usage it put (or what possible usages for the item exist).
This week, the Ministry of Defence said: "We never target civilians [in the no-fly zones]... there's no evidence of civilian casualties."
The lie of this statement would be breathtaking were it not routine.
In northern Kurdish Iraq, I interviewed members of one family who had lost their grandfather, their father and four brothers and sisters when a "coalition" aircraft (British or American) dive-bombed them and the sheep they were tending. It was open desert, a moonscape with not a sign of other life, let alone a military installation. Amid the carcasses of blasted sheep were pieces of clothing and a single shoe.
Hmmmm, I recall someone posting something about how some targets have to be approved before weapons are launched.
Well, it's obvious that they were terrorists.
LAST week, "coalition" aircraft killed another six people in the southern city of Basra. Nothing unusual there. When I was last in Basra, an American missile killed six children when it "mistakenly" hit Al Jumohria, a very poor section of Basra's residential area.
Newton was followed by Assistant US Secretary of State John Kelly who flew to Baghdad to tell Saddam that "you are a source for moderation in the region, and the United States wants to broaden her relationship with Iraq".
We'll deal with ANYONE in ANY capacity as long as they'll help us get what we want.