[link|http://matrix.bangkokpost.co.th/afp_news/130303/030312194011.7eks5my8.html|Weasels weasel, while doers do]
"What appears to be the first contract awarded in the US Agency for International Development (USAID) post-crisis Iraq reconstruction programme has been won by International Resources Group (IRG), a Washington-based consulting firm," said the London-based authoritative Middle East Economic Digest (MEED) in its electronic newsletter.
"The 7.1 million-dollar, 12-month contract is for personnel support which includes funding for USAID Asia et Near East Bureau staffing related to Iraq, as well as for a potential USAID project office in Iraq."
"The contract was awarded on February 21 and was one of eight requests for proposals issued by USAID in the programme on 31 January," it said.
Among the specialisations listed by IRG on its website, the firm says it can "carry out risk and damage assessments, manage food and non-food relief programs, conduct hazard mapping, develop early warning systems, and assist communities in post-emergency recovery efforts."
MEED reported last month that the US defence department on January 20 formed an Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance (ORHA) to coordinate emergency aid and reconstruction work in Iraq among US federal government agencies, including USAID, "coalition" countries and non-governmental and international organisations.