We give foreign aid to a large number of countries. I disagree with this in general. Aid to third world nations usuallly goes into the pockets of the ruling junta, and there is no way in hell we should be funding them. Aid should go into *direct* aid, not in money. They take our assistance, then go to the so-called conference on racism and blast us with sixteen dozen verbal cannons.

The hell with them.

If there are crowds shouting "down with America", stop all aid. Screw the government. The government might give lip service "oh we hate this act of terrorism", but when there are crowds cheering the attacks, that's it. Cut them off.

Find out who the bastards are, seek them out, and pursue them to the ends of the earth. And any countries who are contributing to them. Take them out. Nuke them if need be. I'm sorry, I am becoming one of the "nuke'm tiill they glow" faction. If Afghanistan is hiding the terrorist in charge of these plane bombings, nuke'm until they glow.