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New CRC, why do you hate me so much?
You are German, 9? I know you live in your little sheltered Scandinavian hideaway now, but you are German, right? Why do you hate me so much now? Is it because I'm arrogant? Because I don't feel the need to consult you and get your approval every time I want to go kick somebody's ass? Well, mister, what if I get mad and come over there and kick your ass? Huh? You want a piece of me?

Just curious...
Just a few thoughts,


Microcosms 'R We
Myopia is our speciality since the early 60's
New Now this show will be entertaining <g> Hogan's Heros
Possible outcomes ...

- Precise Shultz gets to kick arrogant Hogan's ass

- Hogan is up to yet another one of his 'games'

- Klink will step in and spoil the fun

- None of the above

New More like "Checksum's Zeros"
New I beleive it is Burkhalter who will kick his ass
the resemblance is amusing.
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]</br>

"If you want to meet a group of people who have a profound distrust of, and hostility toward, our legal system, don't waste your time on political radicals; interview a random selection of crime victims, and you will probably find that they make the former group look like utopian idealists by comparison." Dave Robicheaux
New Burkhalter - Of bloody course, glad your mem is bettrn mine

Burkhalter - (see pics in rt col 5&6 down - the regional commander IIRC who came in to find out WTF was going on.


Interestingly, we non-US folk usually loved the show but had no illusions about what arrogance lay behind the impression that US prisoners in Germany had any real imagination & daring-do as did the Brits. We people of Brit influence regarded Hogan as a classic Brit POW wannabee asshole but without the class & panache of the Brit POWS (such as portrayed in Colditz movie). In fact Hogan was the ultimate yank know-all smartass, but we enjoyed the show anyway. The Brit AirForce guy in the show was a classic inaccurate (pathetic) US send-up of the Brit AirForce POW (absolutely pure crap, but they had to make Hogan look good).

But as you say nocrap Burkhalter will do nicely as CRC & Screamer will do perfectly as Hogan (in every way).



New Burkhalter was
much older, had dark hair and was WWWAAAYYYYYY fatter!
"Four score and seven years ago, I had a better sig"
[link|http://users3.ev1.net/~bconnors/resume.htm|VB/SQL/Tandem resume]
[link|mailto:bconnors@ev1.net|contact me]
New Quit blowing smoke up my ass, Stinky, and MAYBE I'll tell ya
New pufffffffffffff ... U*U
Just seeing if we are all still were keeping our senses of humour (British spelling as we are now one) in this time of heightened allied tension (and whatnot).
Just keeping it real,


There's nowhere you can be that isn't where your meant to be, it's easy.

J. Lennon
New Hmmm, "U * U"... That means "You arsehole, you!", right?
In that case, yes, "All is well with the world, and we live in the best of all possible worlds" (or whatever it was dr P taught young C).

Weeelll... that's OBVIOUSLY an exaggeration, where the world on the whole is concerned. But then, I only meant, "as far as we are concerned, yes, we're good".

Except for my sense of humour, you might say: Couldn't come up with anything better, so I just dashed off kind of a quickie... But, hey, it wasn't all *that* bad, I trust, for a one-line flamelet?

Oh, ad trust me, if you tread that old ground again, I'll be back on you like dumb on Dan Quayle: "No smoke without flame", you know... :-)

   [link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad]
(I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Your lies are of Microsoftian Scale and boring to boot. Your 'depression' may be the closest you ever come to recognizing truth: you have no 'inferiority complex', you are inferior - and something inside you recognizes this. - [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=71575|Ashton Brown]
New ICLRPD (new thread)
Created as new thread #87710 titled [link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=87710|ICLRPD]

Clinton, Clinton, Clinton. Is that all you guys ever think about? Do you see him hiding around every corner? Does he haunt your dreams? I dunno, if I was you I'd probably WANT to forget about the great William Jefferson Clinton. Unlike the current president, he managed peace, prosperity, balanced budgets, lower poverty and child poverty rates, 21 million new jobs, 50,000 new teachers, 100,000 new cops, the lowest crime rate in 25 years, greater worker protections, the highest home ownership rate in history, the protection of Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security... Mind you, he did also have a penis, the evil bastard.
--[link|http://www.democraticunderground.com/|Democratic Underground]
New "British" spelling?
You mean "correct" spelling, surely?

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New Don't sweat it
he doesn't like me either. Many of my posts got spun off into new threads in the Flame Quarantine from him.

I think he secretly likes to do that. :)

New and improved, Chicken Delvits!]
New No fucking "secretly" about it, you bloody maroon !!!
New You bastard - you just hate morons dont you ...
admit it <big fucking ear-to-ear grin>


(To our US members:
Beware the future when your children & theirs come after you for what you may be willing to condone today)

New But he called me a maroon
whatever a maroon is? MW says:

Main Entry: 1ma\ufffdroon
Pronunciation: m&-'r\ufffdn
Function: noun
Etymology: French maron, marron, modification of American Spanish cimarr\ufffdn, from cimarr\ufffdn wild, savage
Date: 1666
1 capitalized : a fugitive black slave of the West Indies and Guiana in the 17th and 18th centuries; also : a descendant of such a slave
2 : a person who is marooned

New and improved, Chicken Delvits!]
New Yeah, werl, I dunt spel to goud. And me Inglish iz soo bad.
New bugs bunny's dictionary means dumass squared
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]</br>

"If you want to meet a group of people who have a profound distrust of, and hostility toward, our legal system, don't waste your time on political radicals; interview a random selection of crime victims, and you will probably find that they make the former group look like utopian idealists by comparison." Dave Robicheaux
     CRC, why do you hate me so much? - (screamer) - (16)
         Now this show will be entertaining <g> Hogan's Heros - (dmarker) - (4)
             More like "Checksum's Zeros" -NT - (deSitter)
             I beleive it is Burkhalter who will kick his ass - (boxley) - (2)
                 Burkhalter - Of bloody course, glad your mem is bettrn mine - (dmarker)
                 Burkhalter was - (lincoln)
         Quit blowing smoke up my ass, Stinky, and MAYBE I'll tell ya -NT - (CRConrad) - (4)
             pufffffffffffff ... U*U - (screamer) - (3)
                 Hmmm, "U * U"... That means "You arsehole, you!", right? - (CRConrad) - (1)
                     ICLRPD (new thread) - (Silverlock)
                 "British" spelling? - (pwhysall)
         Don't sweat it - (orion) - (5)
             No fucking "secretly" about it, you bloody maroon !!! -NT - (CRConrad) - (4)
                 You bastard - you just hate morons dont you ... - (dmarker) - (3)
                     But he called me a maroon - (orion) - (2)
                         Yeah, werl, I dunt spel to goud. And me Inglish iz soo bad. -NT - (CRConrad)
                         bugs bunny's dictionary means dumass squared -NT - (boxley)

Have you ever noticed that all the instruments searching for intelligent life are pointed AWAY from Earth?
101 ms