Post #87,386
3/11/03 2:16:15 PM
Taking Jefferson seriously
[link||Rant] on the need for a non-violent rebellion. Excerpt- I could go on, of course, but the questions I get most are: What to do? Unfortunately, I keep coming with what not to do.
\ufffd Don't send petitions to your elected representatives. Most of them are involved in the robbery, and have no interest in liberating American citizens from corporate totalitarianism because they making too much money taking bribes. Even many of the ones who say they do really don't; they're just placating voters. Ask the people who write letters to phony shills like John Kerry and Diane Feinstein; they never get an answer that isn't some kind of vacuous form letter.
\ufffd Impeachment attempts? Give me a break. Same deal. Virtually the entire Congress is on the take. Were any congressperson to back an impeachment, he or she would be jeopardizing their own criminal income from the corporate conspiracy. When the day of retribution comes, all elected representatives and senators who either voted for the Patriot Act or took contributions from Enron should automatically be thrown in jail, and held indefinitely under terms of the Patriot Act for consorting with known terrorists (in this case, George W. Bush and Kenneth Lay).
Still, in thousands of e-mails, that big question keeps coming: What will we do to keep from becoming residents of Camp Ashcroft?
Well, here's your answer.
Overthrow the government \ufffd NOW.
We must overthrow the government. There is no other choice. Nothing else will work. Could it be more obvious?
We can't use violence, because real humans would be crushed by all the hellish weapons arrayed against the entire world by the military industrial complex that has stolen all our money and erased all our rights under the Constitution.
Besides, it is illegal under what's left of the Constitution to advocate the VIOLENT overthrow of the government. And I would never dream of advocating any such thing.
It is, however, patently legal and indeed our patriotic duty to advocate the peaceful overthrow of the government.
We have to overthrow the government, just like Jefferson said, in a fit of moral outrage, using every bit of our wits and our influence to put these people who are in the process of destroying everything we hold dear in jail. For a long time, if not forever. I truly hope it won't have to come to this. I'm waiting to see if we even have elections in '04.
Sometimes, self respect says you just have to speak out.
Post #87,398
3/11/03 2:43:42 PM
That was tried.
Jefferson's vision was already outdated by Federal standards in the early 1820s. "Manifest Destiny" etc.
Post #87,541
3/12/03 1:06:58 AM
Now as a non US citizen, even I recognise fort Sumpter
1861 when Brig Gen Beauregard of the Confederate army fired on fort Sumpter & it surrendered the next day.
Now they were civillised in those days - only Union deaths occured when a cannon prematurely exploded when being readied to fire a salute during the agreed evacuation after the surrender.
If I have got it wrong, Ahhh appolojahze suhh!!!
Doug Marker
Post #87,605
3/12/03 10:13:01 AM
Kind suh, I beg youah pardon, that is "Sumter" suh
..and that was the American army firing on it!
There WAS one battle casualty - a Union artillery horse. As stated, the only soldier to die was killed during a cannon salute issued during the evacuation, subsequent to the surrender.
And indeed it was Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard in command of the American forces. He also has the distinction of being the designer of the immortal battle flag. He won distinction in the (unjust) war against Mexico in 1848, wounded twice and breveted twice.
[image|||||] PGT Beauregard
Post #87,780
3/12/03 5:37:59 PM
3/12/03 5:39:12 PM
Well Suhh - Ahh mae take excepchun ovah the spellin
But ahh am too much a gentleman to worreh over that itty bitty use of the 'p'.
Bert, mah web browsah & mah memory both show mix'd spellin fo the woe-d
It seems thet both Sumpter end Sumter ahh used.
Cheeyaz Derg Mawhkah
Edited by dmarker
March 12, 2003, 05:39:12 PM EST
Post #87,834
3/12/03 8:57:16 PM
Very well. So how is it being back home?
I always like the things I used to hate. But I know if I stay long enough, I will start hating them again. So I leave. I feel like that about the entire planet.
Post #87,959
3/13/03 6:57:34 AM
Ever met a split personality ? - thats me (& chee)
Pers 1) In HK - I love the place. Love the way of life, the hustle & bustle & love the raucus but friendly inhabitants called GuangDong Hua (Cantonese).
Pers 2) But now I am back in OZ - I love Australia, the blue skies, the food, & HK can go to hell (as it is doing all on its own)
Put me back in HK & I become 1) again instantly
Send me to Oz & pers 2) kicks in.
What else can I say :-)
(To our US members: Beware the future when your children & theirs come after you for what you may be willing to condone today)