...a literary pseudonym, why you didn't turn to ol' Edgar Allan Namesake.

Would it have been too personal, perhaps, 'coz he's your Grandpa or something? :-)

Curtvid over-indulges in the poetic license:
Hmm ... I guess I have no identity outside of the 'net. (well, that's not true. I deliberately left off a URL which would clearly establish that I have an outside identity)
Bah -- who's gonna believe that?!? Of *course* you have no identity outside of the 'net! Why else would you have ended up *here*?

Ovis continues:
The astute might notice a decidedly Perl-centric world.
That's an exaggeration... In the sense that one doesn't have to be particularly astute to notice -- even *I* did!

I happen to like Perl, but I'm not a language bigot.
You aren't? Bah, how boring! What else are we going to flame-war about, if not language bigotry???

Fair warning: I'm a strong-typing-and-binary-compilation "bigot", so if you intend to champion that write-only line-noise of a DOS-batch-from-Hell that Larry (another Larry) dreamt up one night after a particlularly unhealthy pizza, it'll be me (among others) you're going up against. As an example, I once posted [link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=49563|this]... No, to my shame I notice (now that I went searching for it) that I actually *twice* posted that! (In my defence, let me point out that the posts came a little over six months apart.)

Anyway: Come on, be a sport... *Be* a language bigot! :-)

Basically, I'm just another joe who programs for a living, is trying to face the fact that he might be lookin' for a job pretty durned quick
Heh -- seems I'm almost the only one who isn't overly worried about that... But I, maybe more than most, *want* out from under [link|http://cgi.cs.indiana.edu/~oracle/index.cgi|Larry's my current employer's] thumb. :-(

and was also impressed with the caliber of some of the conversation on this board.
Only *some* of it, eh? How DARE you not be impressed as Hell with ALL of it?!?

Oh, I see -- I plain forgot -- you may not have discovered Greg's and Yendor's handy URLs to mark "Politics" and "War on Wogs" read until New Year's Eve 2100, yet...

In that vein, while I remember it: I notice you surround your paragraphs with <p> and </p> tags. That's very nice and thoughtful of you (and if "Vir" Cottingham sees this, he'll be *so* proud of you for realising that this is a paired tag!), but AFAIK, you don't have to do that manually; the server software here replaces double line breaks with double <br> tags for you. (Right, Scott?)

Plus, I know Ben hangs out here, so I kind of view that as an implicit endorsement.
We prefer to view it as an *explicit* endorsement! :-)

And thanks for the welcome :)
You're... Er, uhm... Welcome! ;^>

"If I heard a voice from heaven say 'live without loving',
I'd beg off. Girls are such exquisite hell." -- Ovid
That's the other guy, right?

I gotta try that one out on the fiancée... :-)