might makes right. This is exactly why those people who believe that a war sanctioned by the UN is legitimate are being ridiculous.
Here are numbers (see [link|http://www.cdi.org/issues/nukef&f/database/nukearsenals.cfm|Nuclear Arsenals] ) of nuclear weapons in the various arsenals around the world:
USA - 10656 Russia - around 10000 China - 400 France - 350 Israel - around 200 Britain - 185 India - 60+ Pakistan - 24-48
After all the Soviet Union was a permanent member, and China is a permanent member, neither one was/is a place where you or I would want to live. Besides, Colombia, Sudan and Syria have no nuclear weapons. Also funny that you mention Syria, as Syria is currently a member of the council.
Let's look at the some of the current council members and see just who is deciding these weighty issues:
Syria - a state sponsor of terrorism developing WMD Angola - a failed state Pakistan - a military dictatorship
Does anyone think that the decision of these countries can lend moral weight to anything?
before we can blow them all off? Even the democratic republics?
Somehow I don't think even France would stoop so low as to start a nuke war over a snub. Kim Jong-Il or Saddam might, though.
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