From listening to the BBC and reading various online newspapers, it seems that for a lot of people if the UN adopts a resolution it will change their mind about war. I can't understand this at all. Just because the US manages to twist the arms of 7 countries and gets 9 votes doesn't change the facts. In fact, when you really think about it, the UN Security Council itself is a big joke. It is a completely undemocratic and unrepresentative body.
1. You have the 5 permanent members who can veto anything even if every other country in the UN is for it. Why these 5 are permanent members is a remnant of the balance of power at the end of WWII and does not reflect reality today.
2. The UN security council has 10 rotating members, not a representative sample of the countries of the UN (over 190). It is complete chance who is on the security council when a crucial vote comes up. The fact that at any given time 9 of the 15 countries agree to something is meaningless especially when any of the 5 permananet members can veto anything that they don't like.
The UN itself is no better. When Libya can be elected the head of the Human Rights commission and Iraq be slated in a few months to head the disarmament committee it is time to say that the UN is a complete failure and start over.
I for one, hope that the US fails in getting the resolution passed and goes to war in any case, hopefully this will be the straw that breaks the UN camel's back.