Post #86,571
3/7/03 5:16:03 PM
3/9/03 12:41:39 PM

The Brits aren't ready
[link||Guess they didn't realize there'd be another war eventually.]
British soldiers preparing for war in the Gulf say they are underfed and ill-equipped.
The Americans have labelled them "The Borrowers" and "The Flintstones" because of their lack of key supplies, it emerged today. Soldiers who could be fighting Saddam Hussein within days say they still want for a whole range of necessitiesincluding proper clothing, vehicles and guns, forcing them to go cap-in-hand to US colleagues. Some even claimed to have no respirators to protect against chemical attack.
They were derided by Army commander General Sir Michael Jackson, in Kuwait today, who said his troops were ready for war, with the logistics operation in place within the next five days. "I am a little concerned it might be too comfortable," he added.
That was not the picture painted by the complaints which poured into the BBC from soldiers and their families today.
One Royal Marine commando, who has also served in Kosovo and Sierra Leone, sent an email saying that food supplies were still short and that weapons and other key equipment - from desert boots to life-saving camouflage for vehicles - had still not arrived. He went on: "Scrounging everything from the Americans. As it stands, people here will die."
Other servicemen, resurrecting a complaint which first surfaced weeks ago, have had to buy their own boots.
I say:
A stiff upper lip is an admirable quality. But being out of touch with reality is not. We appreciate the offer, but perhaps they should sit this one out? And try to be better prepared in the future. Really. You guys are capable of better.
Sir Michael Jackson. Any relation to the Gloved One? And haven't you guys jettisoned your class system yet? Come on.
No oil for TotalFinaElf! CHICKENHAWK! Scourge of clucking hens everywhere! Victory is the answer. There are no alternatives. [link||http://www.angelfire...arlowe/index.html]

Edited by marlowe
March 9, 2003, 12:41:39 PM EST
Post #86,576
3/7/03 6:09:00 PM

Your link is a picture that says nothing about the Brits.
And I thought you were supporting of the Brits because Blair "understands" the threat from Saddam. Understands, but doesn't bother to supply his own troops? A stiff upper lip is an admirable quality. But being out of touch with reality is not. heh. We already knew Blair was "out of touch with reality" when he supported Bush's fantasy. :D
Post #86,609
3/7/03 8:24:15 PM

Why don't you help out?
You can get info on how to join up at all of the above. Be sure to keep posting from your future posting.
Sometimes, self respect says you just have to speak out.
Post #86,876
3/9/03 12:43:55 PM

I'm already helping out. How about you?
You may not have my l33t skillz, but you can help accept Iraqi surrenders. You know where the recruiting office is. Get thee hence.
No oil for TotalFinaElf! CHICKENHAWK! Scourge of clucking hens everywhere! Victory is the answer. There are no alternatives. [link||http://www.angelfire...arlowe/index.html]
Post #86,942
3/9/03 6:03:29 PM

So 1337 he doesn't even know about bazooka backblast...
"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989
Post #86,953
3/9/03 8:26:11 PM

What?? Ya mean__ya don't sight down that big 'ol tube thing?
Why.. that would be the logical thing to do, or maybe the 2's complement. Whatever could matter beyond simple logic?
(real Men aren't deterred by a little flash-burn, when they're Right- and Walking Tall) You Wimps wouldn't understand such matters.
Ashton Munitions Designer to the Darwin Institute Give us an army of willing assassins.. We'll make 'em safe for the rest of the world
Our Stuff:
Post #87,045
3/10/03 11:15:53 AM

You have me confused with someone who supports this atrocity
C'mon little chickie, join up and let us know how you like it when the shooting starts.
Sometimes, self respect says you just have to speak out.
Post #87,244
3/11/03 8:51:40 AM

Yes, I have you confused with someone who supports Saddam
And any other genocidal monster that a Republican president dares to go after. Also, I don't think you're at all sincere in wanting me to do it in a uniform. Oh, and by the way, the shooting started thirty years ago.
But anyway, the fact remains you're not doing squat. And so long as you're not doing squat, I'm very happy to have you on the other team.
Say, have you marched in any pro-Saddam protests? If not, please do. Those things are doing wonders for our cause.
If you'd rather oppose anything than oppose this, you're supporting it: [image|||||]
No oil for TotalFinaElf! CHICKENHAWK! Scourge of clucking hens everywhere! Victory is the answer. There are no alternatives. [link||http://www.angelfire...arlowe/index.html]
Post #87,246
3/11/03 8:58:26 AM

Being anti-war is not Pro Saddam
Join up and fight him you coward.
Sometimes, self respect says you just have to speak out.
Post #87,299
3/11/03 10:55:21 AM

Why yes, I oppose Iran gassing Iraqis.
Post #87,344
3/11/03 12:54:29 PM

And what about Turkey? Do you oppose the US?
Post #87,346
3/11/03 1:03:08 PM

I oppose Turkish oppression of Kurds.
Hell, I oppose oppression by any group against another. And yes, that includes our own nation.
The trouble is those damn photos that Marlowe keeps linking in - pretending that they're Iraqis gassing their own folks when it's been shown that they were actually victims of an Iranian gas attack. I was responding to that, specifically.
"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989
Post #87,350
3/11/03 1:09:50 PM

Sorry man...
was aiming at Marlowe to answer that one. :-)
My apologies.
Post #86,626
3/7/03 9:21:48 PM

But the Kids are All Right