You said that dropping a nuclear bomb and killing civilians is not a war crime.
1) Dropping atomic weaponry doesn't, by itself, kill civilians.
2) Killing civilians by itself isn't a war crime - as you note, Israel is killing quite a few.
Targetting civilians might be another story, but (And the Geneva convention (which the US was not signatory to in WWII) you cite was AMENDED after that war. But you're trying to use it to talk about something previous).
And by the by, Israel is taking out quite a few civilians who are ACCUSED of being terrorists. No trial, no arrest, no conviction. There he is, hit him with an anti-tank rocket!
This clearly disallows the above.
No, it doesn't.
And its been explained several times. Don't you use the word "clearly" or "all" or other superlatives - you're not clear enough on them to be able to.