All we need is for either business to go with moz as the browser, of msft to update IE to actually have unbroken CSS2 support.
\r\n\r\nYou're right, javascript and DOM do suck. CSS2 can do pretty much everything it can do, and do it with a tiny fraction of the code. Take a look at [link||this page] in IE and Moz. It's all bog standard CSS2; very simple stuff... very simple. It took me about half an hour to construct all the controls on the page... and best of all, they're all standard html controls like unordered lists and the like, which means they can even be accessible to old browsers! ... just not ones that are far out of standards compliance, like IE.
\r\n\r\nNote... make sure you set up your browser window so you have to scroll up and down to see all the text.