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New Warfare evolves - new way of perfoming 'an act of war'

Seems we are witnessing an evolution in the way acts of war are perpetrated.
The days of nation states mobilising standing armies to fight military battles, may be in decline. Prior to the gun, we gathered in mobs & chopped & bludeoned each other into submission. With guns we lined up in rows & blasted each other into submission. With mechanisation we shelled each other into submission. With the nation states we formed standing armies (navies & airforces) to back up national interests. Nation states seem to be dissolving & we are shifting back to groups of disparate people with common notions & ideals.

We now seem to be witnessing a new twist to the old style of warfare - acts of massive revenge for perceived injustices no matter how bizzare the logic is that justifies one act of blatant and overt barbarism in retaliation for what the perpetrators feel were acts against them or their interests or their ideals.

Also, it seems that we may be witnessing these new tactics as being a perpetrators way of dealing with an 'enemy' they are not willing to, or able to, confront in any other manner than by stealth attacks and terrorist fear.

It also seems to also be a tactic that has perpetrators attacking associated targets rather than attacking the actual enemy. i.e., if big country A appears to support little country B and little country B is making life difficult for little country or people C, then attack country A as a means of revenge because attacking country B is not working.

The questions these attacks on US pose, include

- Are we really able to achieve global peace through global trade ?

- How do we avoid people becoming so marginalised as to justify mass murder ?

- Is the real problem that the human population is too big for global peace ?

- Today the trouble spot is the middle east, where will it be next ?

- How can we humans absorb the need for religious expression without excesses ?

I hope there are those who believe we can achieve some form of global peace. (but how?)

Doug Marker

New Sword-point peace. A proposal.
The US should co-opt the UN. The membership rules need throwing out and all governments that want to be recognised know have a responsibility to attend. This means that Taiwan, China and Tibet must attend. It means Palestine must attend. It means Afghanistan must attend. UN membership must become a responsbility, not a privilege.

Now, with that out of the way, the UN can behave like it really is all countries of the world, in attendance if not in unity. Now Palestine has a right to have its opinions heard and a right to vote on issues. Now Afghanistan has a responsibility to participate in world affairs. Now countries that are victims of massive terrorist activities can tell, in a neutral forum, offending countries and countries harbouring offenders, just what it meant to suffer such an attack.

Of course, things must be altered so that countries that ignore the UN are disadvantaged. Publically. "We have a motion accusing country X of harbouring terrorists attacking country Y. What does country X say? Oh, they're not here, well, absence is implicit guilt. Country X must now prove otherwise."


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New err Palestine has been there for years
since about 91 they have a seat. Doesnt appear to help much. Taiwan also had a seat but was replaced by the mainland in the 60's.
why did god give us a talleywhacker and a trigger finger if he didnt want us to use them?
Randy Wayne White
New Which demonstrates the second problem.
Namely, how to turn the responsibility of a UN seat into something truly effective. I should have checked to see if Palestine was already in or not. :-)

But I still think Taiwan should have a seat, though, regardless of what China thinks.


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

     Warfare evolves - new way of perfoming 'an act of war' - (dmarker2) - (3)
         Sword-point peace. A proposal. - (static) - (2)
             err Palestine has been there for years - (boxley) - (1)
                 Which demonstrates the second problem. - (static)

This isn't beer, this is lemonade.
70 ms