That puts us fighting a guerrila war on the oppositions home turf. When the opposition has outside supply. (I'm assuming one Islamic bunch or another, could easily be wrong, but if right...)
Been there, done that... we lost that also.
So far, everyone with access to triggers has taken a deep breath and is checking the situation. I thought we (the U.S.) would be in a shooting war before dinner. I am relieved and guardedly optimistic since I haven't eaten yet. It would be ever so nice if we knew who we were about to eradicate and why with some certainy before we embark whatever revenge we select.
My thoughts about the instigators is that such people should be stopped and the practice discouraged. Massively. There are no pretty ways of doing this. There are effective ways that don't involve nukes. It's an awefully tough call. But if the call is made, I would hope that we do not spend the lives of our troops in a stupid hopeless war, just to make it look 'fair'; just do it with the maximum efficiency. But we really should be sure about who the real target is before doing something drastic, even if it makes it a little late for the five o'clock news.
gods, this sucks,