rented a shack in stanleyville. All the places were set on stilts due to the hurricanes. Had a 6 month old dog I was training as a guard dog, cross between a rottweiler and ausie shepard. The dog was good a guarding my then wife (RIP) but assumed if I was around, didnt need to bark. (alpha male syndrome.) woke up to find a huge man rifling my wallet. I jumped up, he bolted. I ran after him. In Belize the door frames are short 5 ft 8 iches I am six ft. Needless to say after I bounced off the dam thing the thug was at the bottom of the stairs and speeding up. In high dudgeon at the dog I grabbed it the ruff and hurled it at him. Dog got the idea and went pelting after him in full cry. Dog was a complete racist after that event. Had a knot on my forhead for several days.