Fugly syntax kind'a repeats itself: YTF "select" AND "case"?
Our residentnoncapitalisedpoet claims VB's "range" case construct is so cool:
Select aNumber\nCase Is < 0\nFunctionA\nCase 0 to 3\nFunctionB\nCase 4, 15, 32, 78\nFunctionC\nCase Else\nFunctionD\nEnd Select
Just so nobody labours under the misapprehension that this was a VB "innovation" or anything... Pascal has had that since 197x!
The ony difference being, the Pascal syntax is (as always) *much* cleaner and more elegant than VB's:
Case AnInteger of\n -MAXINT .. -1 : ProcedureA;\n 0 .. 3 : ProcedureB;\n 4, 15, 32, 78 : ProcedureC;\n Else ProcedureD;\nEnd; {Case AnInteger}
Behold the genius of Wirth in action: One construct, one keyword!