[link|http://www.fff.org/comment/ed0796b.asp|Why do people worship this smarmy turd?]
The Clinton administration, self-proclaimed champion of civil liberties and small government, is a big fraud.
President Clinton's Department of Justice, it was recently revealed, is wiretapping more and more American citizens each year. It is increasing the number of federal wiretaps by more than 30 percent annually. What's more, the administration is bulking up the budgets of the FBI and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) at a frantic pace. Since 1993 the FBI budget has grown 53 percent, the DEA budget 33 percent. That new money permits expanded intrusion into America's telephone communications. And it isn't only wiretapping. Other electronic spying on Americans allows the government to monitor what phone numbers we dial.
Why all this surveillance? Most of it is part of the so-called war on drugs. Of course, it is not a war on drugs. It is a war on people. All wars are on people. The drug warriors tell us that their crusade will make us safe. What they don't tell us is that the powers they exercise with wild abandon to fight that war threatens us worse than any drug. The land of the free and the home of the brave has become the garrison of the busybody state.
I say:
True or false, it's worth noting that these things cut both ways.
And no, not all war is war on people. When the people being warred on start fighting back, you have a war *between* people. What we have in this world is too much war on people and too little fighting back. Thankfully, Dubya's starting to fight back in a meaningful way.