the ADO record you are using got changed with the new IE install or something. Did you install the MDAC service pack as well?

Also consider switching to the UDL connection. Just create a text file, rename it data.udl or whatever and then set your ADO Connection to:

ADO_Connection = "File=" & App.Path & "\\data.udl"

You can set the passwords and user IDs in the UDL file, plus the User ID and Password can be changed this way without recompiling the program. You can even change the database location, type, etc in the UDL file. It may save you some headache later.

IE 6.0 fixes a lot of bugs that IE 5.X had, including fatal exception errors, and other crap it caused. Or maybe you should just go back to IE 4.0 because IIRC it was pretty stable.