When I was thinking... I was running out of wood.
I was trying to make the stylesheet based on appearances. I want the links colors and back ground to be "externally" controlled and coordinated, rather than be "region or use" specific. Now, granted it's more difficult to keep those in your head.
Think about this, I am indeed new to XHTML and CSS, therefore I am applying things differently than you would or someone else would. Also real coding is a brave new world for me, I just don't want to have pre-concieved ideas or notions when it comes to style...
Convince me I am wrong in feeling that treating links seperately from content... even though they may be content, as well... Now is there good reason to treat them similarly to text/content? When I generalized those anmes from "red" "redorange" "orange" "yellow" to "black" "verydark" "dark" "medium" "light" "bright" maybe a "verybright", does that preclude NOT specifying a background color? No it does not... Does it preclude that they must stay red=>yellow based? No. Does this mean I cannot surround them with Gruesomely Gaudy coloring? No Or even extrememly fine variants? No. It just means, a bit more coding by me to make the rendering along the lines I want.
If you'll notice, I have made most thing relative... sizes, spacings, margins etc... are mostly em based or percentage based... I am trying to make it a framework to use more effectively for myself. I am still learning this.