We'd clash on the meaning of that very Large word moral though - so large as to have a personal meaning for most anyone with half a brain: but it won't be the same meaning. And so on.

And I'd agree with the implications and conclude that, no.. short of the Unknown as causes a shock: it isn't even worth the hot air to imagine "the world" behaving much differently.

Actually, kudos - for offering not even one overarching solution!
Me neither, but then - it's my 'belief' that there couldn't be such anyway, 'such as we are'.

'Seriousness' I'll have to ponder for a bit. It seems at least partly attainable. Sadly though - most ~sobering of a large group only ever follows some horrific natural or self-caused event. The soberness seems to evanesce when times get better, and then entertainment settles in. If this isn't a cycle, I don't know of an exception.

Helpful post,
