A couple years ago my grandmother gave me this book for x-mas. I took it with me as reading material on my trip to Cuba. The whole thing was kind of an eye opener.
Berman carefully develops his view on what is wrong with US Culture (a lot of his thesis is that there isn't any - instead we have commerce).
So what to do?
In the other responses so far I see lots of immediate concrete things to work on. This is OK and I think they are worth working on. But I also see them as symptoms of bigger problems.
The number one problem with the US right now is greed and selfishness. Its pervasive. The heroes are CEOs. The big stories are about how people have one little idea and get rich from it. The whole society is geared towards consumption and the "I got mine - get your own" attitude dominates.
What a sucky way to live.
I got an email this week that my elementary school gym teacher is retiring soon. I had to write him a letter because this guy made the school the center of a community. There were evening movies, family potlucks, fund raising talent shows, family ethnic dinners (bring something your grandma made in the old country) and a friday after school floor hockey league. We knew our neighbors. I haven't known my neighbors since I left college.
The best thing you can do to improve the US is go volunteer at your neighborhood school. Go teach something. Our educational system has been replaced by cable TV.
[link|http://www.thespot.org/|This guy] has at least a piece of the puzzle.
The government is meant to reflect the will of the people. What frightens me is that, maybe this one does.
Have to change that first.