you cannot expect me to just change overnight, wish that I could but that is apparently not an option. It may take more than three years for me to get at a level that you deem as "Normal" or whatever.

I suppose I am "the problem" as you've stated. I am doing what I can to get better, but failing. Conscience efforts don't seem to work on my part, apparently. I must work on the unconscience parts, improve my memory, and try to get a better cognative system going. This may take years to get working, I sure cannot seem to do it in a few months as I tried. But you can see that in some cases I am doing better in some posts more than others. Yet I seem to slip right back into another mode in different posts that seem to upset people because I am apparently "babbling"? Can't win them all you know, I tried, I admit to having problems, and I am doing what I can to work on them.

Hopeless clinical case, maybe by your terms, but I think over years I can improve to a better poster.

Thanks to Scott for not deleting and banning my Orion account, I was going to just quit at one time, but I seem to keep on coming back for some reason. Mostly due to people I know here who are decent and I have no other way to contact or communicate with them. So if you want to get rid of me, I am not so easily gotten rid of that way. I will try to keep the number of my posts down and see if that helps any. Best I can do for now.