Just how much false & unadulterated crap gets posted by perhaps the most brainless and insensitive member of IWETHEY, as facts to justify a killing war
(insert picture of children probably killed with US-sponsored chemical weapons here)

Little facts do you know.

It has been proven that Saddam is a BAD man.

Therefore, we MUST kill the Iraqi children.

Hey, I have a question for you.

Ever notice how the people in favour of this war always talk about "getting" Saddam?

But never about "getting" the innocent children.

When the odds are that about 1,000 children will be killed to "get" Saddam.

At which point, doesn't it sound more like we're out to "get" those children
Saddam is the "collateral damage"?

(Those odds based off of casualty counts from the first Gulf War.)