blame the companies that hire the h1Bs or bodyshop instead of hiring local talent.

There never was a shortage of talented workers, the firms just kept raising their requirements for the job positions. What used to take an Associates now requires a Bachelors or Masters, what used to take 2 or 3 years of a programming language now requires 5 years or more. Many H1B or Bodhsoppers exagerate on their Resume/CVS in order to get the job. Which is why firms see the 10+ years of Java, 5 years of .NET, and 5 years of Windows 2000 Server experiences. Well gee, these H1B workers have more experience than the local workers, let's hire them. The HR departments don't know the technology or how long something has been out, the IT department gives a Job Description to HR, and HR tries to fill that position. But they have found the H1Bs and Bodyshopping are generally cheaper than hiring local talent.

Yes you are correct, being unemployed sucks greatly because of it either way. I may have to take up a new field after I get off of disability, like Pig Farming, or maybe go into Management? :)

If I am on disability for a few years, I can earn a new college degree. I can take up business administration, or Accounting, or anything I want. IT jobs seem to be sucked into a great big giant black hole that deposits those jobs overseas to other countries or to H1B Visa workers.