I'm one of a large number of people here who make a point of avoiding\r\neither reading or responding to your comments here wherever possible.\r\nI'm doing so now against my better judgement. We've dropped major clues\r\nfor years. Of the people here least likely to\r\ncriticise another's writing style, both Ashton and boxley have taken to\r\ncriticising you. Believe it or not, I've argued strongly to several\r\nfolks who would both bait and respond to you, not to, if not for your\r\nsake than for the rest of us.
You've already been kicked from one IWE board for failing on three\r\nrequests to keep your loggorhea in check. You're a net detraction from\r\nthe community, despite our repeated attempts to help, and to the point\r\nof making more than one of us wonder if the clue has finally wandered\r\nfrom IWT. The only reason you're still allowed to post\r\nis that Scott's aversion to censoring and booting users is stronger than\r\nhis pathological disgust of your actions. This despite the fact that\r\nyou've cost both of us more admin time than the rest of the group\r\ncombined. Time that neither of us has any to spare, nor is compensated\r\nfor.
Clues small, large, kind, rude, gentle, harsh, and any other variety,\r\nhave been dropped, lobbed, shot, delivered on silver platters, and\r\npackaged with offal. You simply refuse to change. You've been shown\r\nyears of tolerance. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.
I've written you off as a hopeless clinical case, and I'm not the\r\nonly one. If you're going to change, it's going to have to come from\r\nyou. It's not particularly you, it's your actions and behavior, and if\r\nyou make a consistent, sustained effort to clean up, you might regain or\r\nattain some stature in a year or two. You've really burnt\r\nthrough tons and tons of goodwill though, and it's going to take a hell\r\nof a long time to work your way back. This isn't a 30 day thing, it's\r\nnot a three month thing. It's years. Your fault.\r\nYour problem. Deal with it.
And here's the reward for doing so: you'll be seen in a positive\r\nlight. Your comments listened to. Your questions answered. Your\r\nofferings appreciated. Your calls for help responded to.
Otherwise you'll remain the outcast you are. Get help, Norm. I mean\r\nit and I wish you both recovery and wellness. But this ain't your\r\ntherapy group; especially not if you crap all over it.
That's my last word here.