Developers want their services and software to just connect, they don't want hassles.
System administrators do not want (or are instructed by management not to want) unauthorized software connecting because of a variety of security risks ranging from external malware (eg worms) compromising internal machines to internal troublemakers (eg untrustworthy consultants) distributing sensitive internal documents.
The result is a slow-motion arms race between the two.
In that arms race any voluntary way through which developers are supposed to accurately define their services to scanning software will be subverted by developers who wish to avoid hassles. Then administrators will add scanning software that catches the cheaters and we escalate again.
See IM services for a current point of conflict.
So anything that you can propose for how to officially register services will fail just because it is not in the immediate interest of developers to work with that system. No matter how wonderful it might be if they were willing to play by the rules...