err.. cc: AB?__________________cackle..
Sounds perzackly like what I may have inherited, 'document'wise :[ except, they had no BOFH - simply, their node was unplugged from Mother, and left floating. (I may.. get all the stuff that came with the pieces; one of the original install techs sounds copacetic. But promises are cheap.)
And.. (haven't found out how frequent reboots other than, "some") their W2K Server install has seemed to bear out the claim that it's more stable than NT.x But its job had thus been reduced to simply:
A) keeping a "J: drive" (no doubt.. the RAID) accessible to 4 laptops running 98SE, as a common R/W space and, a printer.
B) not eating itself in any permanent way.
(Hell - what was that Multi-DOS program, MPM? - coulda shared files with an old 386.. Switched tasks with Quarterdeck's neat hack.. Seems to be mostly correspondence anyway.) {sigh} Wasted Pro-WhateverTF.
This ran for about 6 mos 'unattended'. The HP DAT - seems to be backing up *something* yet to be explored. Natch I'm not taking the slightest chance of crashing the sucker, as I accumulate info via those colorful and infinite-layered menus. Most with terminology just vaguely altered enough, dumbed-down in that Mickey-Rat way, that - -
BTW - re the ex-Gestapo guy and in general: is there any implied legal obligation in these er "Information-besotted Technologies" that: upon leaving, an admin (must! ??) pass on at least basic operational details *he* has generated? Anything court-actionable, that is ???
('Cause I know what I'd want, in writing *now*, given that there Are BOFHs - obviously older kids now.. who used to have all their toys crushed on alternate weeks by a Dad/Mom from Hell)
Thanks fer moral support.
(Gawd.. if I had to do this for food - prolly starve. Or be jailed for PHB-cide, if that's a crime?)
let no good deed go unpunished