He has a RADEON 9000. Not a RAGE 128.

The driver initialized, then quite plainly informed everyone reading the trace (but you) that it couldn't. find. the. card. Read it again until this becomes plain (hint: it's the part that says "(EE) No devices detected."). Or do like I did and google for "radeon 9000 linux" and read a bit. Learn some. Be amazed at your Grand Unifying Lack of Cluefulness.

Amazingly enough, after he installed 4.2.1 the driver found his card! Alack-a-day! NOW his spew says "(EE) Unable to find a valid framebuffer device.
(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration." which is indicative of 1) possible kernel support needed (as Greg noted) and 2) a misconfiguration, in stark contrast to the previous error on 4.1. Amazing how that works.

All your bluster about what you have and haven't done doesn't mean a thing when you're wrong.