Actually for a bit of info I've moved out of Queanbeyan in NSW to the environs of Canberra in the ACT (Australian Capital Territor).
It's like going from one world to another croosing the border between ACT and NSW.
Queanbeyan, for those who don't know edges onto the border of the ACT and NSW.
Had enough drama in the past few days with the bush fires.
Currently it's a reprive, but their is still a state of alert.
On top of that we are due to get our 'What to do in a terrorist attack' info pack sometime soon.
Better watch out there considering I've spent a bit of time with Trotskyists :-)
The glorious leader John Howard has also been playing the political game reinforcing the mood of fear.
His speech writer (who should be taken out and shot) had the PM compare the bushfires to a terrorist attack on Australia's capital.