and watched IW deteriorate / Sell Out / echoing and intensifying the decline into the present morass, I tend to blame those Corp/IDG bastards particularly, for their huge contribution to the negative synergy.
Had IW retained it's original POV, Billy n'Bally might have had a much harder time milking the sheep - and killing off all those stolen or purchased Ideas rotting forever in their lair.
Now IW's just the typical pointless rag, as all here know. But they coulda been a contender! IT is truly a shitty moribund 'industry', just at the period where it should be engaging in clever experimentation. Bizness kills thought, always just to try for 90-day cheap 'gains'. It has no soul, and that must take its toll on the talented Ones.
And as for De Sitter's little pique - that if'n you ain't sellin-Everything for max-$$, it ain't worth doing?
who hates seeing the talent around here producing such tawdry End Product {ugh} dbases for More $# Cold Calls.