Post #77,390
1/27/03 9:23:43 PM

Of course
because Windows 2003 Server has not come out yet. So they have to have a "Legacy" system to support until it does come out. Maybe it will be called Windows 2004 Server by the time it comes out?
[link|| New and improved, Chicken Delvits!]
Post #77,513
1/28/03 9:10:13 AM

Didn't you mean WindowsNT2040?
Post #77,628
1/28/03 4:56:27 PM

Bumper sticker: It's 2040 and Windows still sucks!
Post #78,580
1/31/03 11:29:04 PM

Starfleet uses Windows 3420
"Sir I cannot get the photon torpedos online, I got a BSOD on my console and a reboot will take 5 minutes." :)
[link|| New and improved, Chicken Delvits!]
Post #78,750
2/2/03 10:00:51 AM

And thus was the fledgling Federation wiped out
By the Organians. They had been viewed as the universe's most peaceful people, but they regretfully concluded that any civilization collectively stupid enough to use crapware like that must be eradicated from the space-time continuum for the good of all non-mankind.
Post #78,751
2/2/03 10:11:35 AM

Just non-mankind?
Imric's Tips for Living- Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
- Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
- Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
Post #78,987
2/3/03 4:37:57 PM

Don't the Vulcans use Windows too?
It would not be logical to not use the same OS as their other friends in the Federation. Being that the Vulcans are part of the Federation. ;)
[link|| New and improved, Chicken Delvits!]
Post #79,017
2/3/03 6:13:34 PM

You're just being silly
It would not be logical for the Vulcans to use an OS as utterly non-deterministic as Winders. If you can't explain the behavior logically, how would the Vulcans ever handle it?
Nope, the Vulcans would logically decide that the data is important, not the OS. They would then insist that their Federation friends send them data in a universally readable format.
Brian Bronson
Post #79,045
2/3/03 7:35:48 PM

So then Vulcans use Linux? Facinating!
Just send them the data in a PDF file, no Word files. All presentations must be in HTML and PNG format, not Powerpoint.
Vulcan Linux, I like the name, is there a distro named that? If not, why not?
[link|| New and improved, Chicken Delvits!]
Post #79,047
2/3/03 7:45:29 PM

The Gneeds of the Many
..outweigh the gneeds of the One.
Post #79,058
2/3/03 8:38:44 PM

You offspring of an unwed mother ;-)
Now I have to clean the Mountain Dew off my monitor screen.
Brian Bronson
Post #79,060
2/3/03 8:51:49 PM

You shouldn't drink that shit
Post #79,066
2/3/03 9:12:25 PM

Mmm... Urine of the gods...
Anything that shrinks my testicles and makes me impotent, gimme more 'o that!
Post #79,067
2/3/03 9:15:25 PM

I thought that was california wine?
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set]
questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #79,097
2/3/03 11:24:13 PM

As I drink my Fine vintage Diet Mountain ew... Last week Wednesday!
I agree... ;)
[link||greg] - Grand-Master Artist in IT | [link||REMEMBER ED CURRY!] [link||ED'S GHOST SPEAKS!] | [link|,3959,857673,00.asp|Even Microsoft will develop apps for Linux by 2004] | Heimatland Geheime Staatspolizei reminds: These [link||Civilian General Orders], please memorize them. "Questions" will be asked at safety checkpoints. |