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New fatass shows his class(lack thereof) #99 Sapp
hometown celebration after the obligatory words at the podium he heads for the exit. The local sports lady holds out a microphone he doesnt even slowdown and knocks her on her ass. Splits. Gotta get that blunt fired up I guess.
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

"The Mafia was preferable to the state, because it survived by providing services people actually wanted"
Murray Rothbard
New He's why I was rooting for Oakland
BTW, did you ever hear what the over/under was on the number of players Sapp would injure? Yeah, football is a rough sport, but Sapp seems to have a vicious streak a mile wide.

Brian Bronson
New And Romanowski doesn't play dirty?
There are plenty of "dirty" players -- and how bad they are depends if they're on "your" team or not.

To give two more examples, I've heard players complain about both Denver's O-line and SF's O-line.

Al Davis got what he deserved.

Who will never root for the Raiders while Al is around
New I honestly don't know since I don't follow the Raiders
     fatass shows his class(lack thereof) #99 Sapp - (boxley) - (3)
         He's why I was rooting for Oakland - (bbronson) - (2)
             And Romanowski doesn't play dirty? - (tonytib) - (1)
                 I honestly don't know since I don't follow the Raiders -NT - (bbronson)

My other car isn't worth talking about.
66 ms