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New Ads only good part of Super Bowl-unless your team is playing
At least most of the time.

Brian Bronson
New fully agreed, most of the time
it is background noise while I do other things and naps are important as Silverlock pointed out. Napping and football go very well together.
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

"The Mafia was preferable to the state, because it survived by providing services people actually wanted"
Murray Rothbard
New Too many SB's have turned into boring ass-whuppin's
These are:

Fun to watch if your team is doing the whuppin'
Painful to watch if your team is receiving the whuppin'
Boring if you don't care about either team

You'd think the conferences would be better matched that this.

Brian Bronson
     Favorite SuperBowl commercials? - (boxley) - (14)
         Mine - (Mike)
         Loved the Ozzie commercial! - (jb4)
         On the whole...bad year for SB commercials. - (bepatient)
         No opinion - (Silverlock)
         The HD movie ads - (SpiceWare) - (6)
             Yes very nice indeed! - (lister) - (3)
                 Ads only good part of Super Bowl-unless your team is playing - (bbronson) - (2)
                     fully agreed, most of the time - (boxley) - (1)
                         Too many SB's have turned into boring ass-whuppin's - (bbronson)
             We had a news item about the SuperBowl ads. (!) - (static)
             We had a news item about the SuperBowl ads. (!) - (static)
         Best of all - (orion) - (2)
             They're an endangered species - (tangaroa) - (1)
                 To be honest - (orion)

Do you know where your towel is?
91 ms