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New OpEd+facts: Marching With Stalinists
[link|http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A25043-2003Jan21.html|What, you thought we wouldn't notice?]


International ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) is a front group for the communist Workers World Party. The Workers World Party is, literally, a Stalinist organization. It rose out of a split within the old Socialist Workers Party over the Soviet Union's 1956 invasion of Hungary -- the breakaway Workers World Party was all for the invasion. International ANSWER today unquestioningly supports any despotic regime that lays any claim to socialism, or simply to anti-Americanism. It supported the butchers of Beijing after the slaughter of Tiananmen Square. It supports Saddam Hussein and his Baathist torture-state. It supports the last official Stalinist state, North Korea, in the mass starvation of its citizens. It supported Slobodan Milosevic after the massacre at Srebrenica. It supports the mullahs of Iran, and the narco-gangsters of Colombia and the bus-bombers of Hamas.

This is whom the left now marches with. The left marches with the Stalinists. The left marches with those who would maintain in power the leading oppressors of humanity in the world. It marches with, stands with and cheers on people like the speaker at the Washington rally who declared that "the real terrorists have always been the United Snakes of America." It marches with people like the former Black Panther Charles Baron, who said in Washington, "if you're looking for an axis of evil then look in the belly of this beast."

I say:

Communism isn't quite dead enough yet. Time to drive a stake through its heart.
Victory is the answer. There are no alternatives.
Move ZOG for great justice!
Where's Abdul Rahman Yasin?
New Do you ever think about anything else?
Being Anonymous Marlowe must be a boring damn existence.
New It's good to be reassured that...
guilt be association is alive and well. :)

The guys in black hats never speak a truth.

The guys in white hats never speak a lie.

Got it!

"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session."\t-- Mark Twain
New stalinists are not communists, they are statists
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

You think that you can trust the government to look after your rights? ask an Indian
New I'll take this one.
The left in America has for a long time now resembled not so much a political movement as a contest to see how many schismatics could dance on the head of a pin, a conversation that has gone from being national to factional to simply eccentric. At some point, progressive politics reached a state where freeing Mumia was considered critical and electing a Democratic president was considered optional.
Interesting concept there.

Can we push for justice in each party?

Or does it require that we control all of the political offices?

Which is more important? That we have justice or that we have a moderate centrist democrat with green tendencies for president?

Then came Sept. 11, and the left found itself plunged into a debate on a subject of fundamental importance. And this was a debate in which to be of the left was to be, by definition, involved: In al Qaeda and in the Taliban and in Saddam Hussein's Iraq, liberal civilization faced an enemy that represented nearly every evil that liberalism has ever stood against.
And in every documented case, despite what Marlowe and others like him want to claim, there hasn't been one "liberal" or "democrat" who has come out in favour of the attack or even suggested that religious fundamentalism is preferable to a democracy.

Hooray for the Left!

What was the left going to do? A pretty straightforward call, you might say. America has its flaws. But war involves choosing sides, and the American side -- which was, after all, the side of liberalism, of progressivism, of democracy, of freedom, of not chucking gays off rooftops and not stoning adulterers and not whipping women in the town square, and not gassing minority populations and not torturing advocates of free speech -- was surely preferable to the side of the "Islamofascists," to borrow a word from the essayist and former man of the left, Christopher Hitchens.
Whoa there! Check your facts. This "America" engaged in biological warfare against the Indians. We also put the Japs in detainment camps.

It isn't what you say, it's what you do.

If we're going to war AGAINST all of that, then we have to have a plan for more than just bombing the people who do that.

Where's the plan?

Which is the point: Hitchens is a former man of the left. In the left's debate, Hitchens insisted that progressives must not in their disdain for America allow themselves to effectively support the perpetuation of despotism, must not betray the left's own values. Others -- notably the political philosopher Michael Walzer, the independent essayist Andrew Sullivan, New Republic writer Jonathan Chait and New York Observer columnist Ron Rosenbaum -- also made this argument with great force and clarity.
And no one has come out in favour of Saddam. But many have come out AGAINST bombing innocent Iraqi children.

Big difference there. Big enough for any except the willfully blind to see.

The debate is over. The left has hardened itself around the core value of a furious, permanent, reactionary opposition to the devil-state America, which stands as the paramount evil of the world and the paramount threat to the world, and whose aims must be thwarted even at the cost of supporting fascists and tyrants. Those who could not stomach this have left the left -- a few publicly, as did Hitchens and Rosenbaum, and many more, I am sure, in the privacy of their consciences.
Bzzzzzttttttt!!! Incorrect.

What the "Left" has "hardened itself around" is opposition to "bombing them and selling their oil" as a plan for fighting against "chucking gays off rooftops" and "stoning adulterers" and "whipping women in the town square" and "gassing minority populations" and "torturing advocates of free speech".

BTW, wasn't it OUR current regime that said that WE had better watch what WE say?


We're against whipping women in the town square and our plan for dealing with that is to bomb them and sell their oil.

And you don't see a problem with that?

Last weekend, the left held large antiwar marches in Washington, San Francisco and elsewhere. Major media coverage of these marches was highly respectful. This was "A Stirring in the Nation," in the words of an approving New York Times editorial, "impressive for the obvious mainstream roots of the marchers."
Whatever. US citizens demonstrating for what they believe is "right".

There is, increasingly, much that happens in the world that the Times feels its readers should be sheltered from knowing. The marches in Washington and San Francisco were chiefly sponsored, as was last October's antiwar march in Washington, by a group the Times chose to call in its only passing reference "the activist group International Answer."
"Sponsored"? Does that mean that individual marchers were PAID to march?

No, I don't think they were.

But that IS what "sponsored" means. If you "sponsore" someone on a walk for cancer or AIDS or whatever, you PAY and they take your money.


International ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) is a front group for the communist Workers World Party. The Workers World Party is, literally, a Stalinist organization. It rose out of a split within the old Socialist Workers Party over the Soviet Union's 1956 invasion of Hungary -- the breakaway Workers World Party was all for the invasion. International ANSWER today unquestioningly supports any despotic regime that lays any claim to socialism, or simply to anti-Americanism. It supported the butchers of Beijing after the slaughter of Tiananmen Square. It supports Saddam Hussein and his Baathist torture-state. It supports the last official Stalinist state, North Korea, in the mass starvation of its citizens. It supported Slobodan Milosevic after the massacre at Srebrenica. It supports the mullahs of Iran, and the narco-gangsters of Colombia and the bus-bombers of Hamas.
So, "sponsored" doesn't mean what it usually means........

Does "support" mean what it usually means in the above paragraph?

I have yet to see any evidence other than claims such as these.

This is whom the left now marches with. The left marches with the Stalinists. The left marches with those who would maintain in power the leading oppressors of humanity in the world. It marches with, stands with and cheers on people like the speaker at the Washington rally who declared that "the real terrorists have always been the United Snakes of America." It marches with people like the former Black Panther Charles Baron, who said in Washington, "if you're looking for an axis of evil then look in the belly of this beast."
Ah, the old Marlowe, "if you aren't supporting me, then you're supporting whatever it is that I don't like".

From the beginning of this article:
"gassing minority populations"

That gas was developed with US funding to be used against a population that the US opposed.

The US picks some hopped-up petty dictator in a no-where state.
The US then provides said dictator with funds.
For a chemical weapons program.
To be used against an enemy of the USofA.

Then, the hopped-up petty dictator uses the chemical weapons.
Against a non-enemy of the US.

Does the US immediately take any action against said hopped-up petty dictator?


His killing these people ONLY becomes an issue in later years.

If I pay the neighborhood bully to beat up kids, am I wrong?

If I give the neighborhood bully some weapons so he can be more efficient, am I wrong?

If the neighborhood bully then kills an old granny and robs her with the weapons I have provided, am I in any way responsible?

Am I justified if I set fire to the apartment house where the bully lives so he will die for his crimes (and a lot of innocent families will also die)?

Telling your government that you oppose such actions is NOT the same as supporting the dictator.


Why is it that our government's only "plan" is to bomb them and sell their oil?

Where's the plan for bringing food, water, shelter and education to those people?
New In some sick, twisted way...
The US picks some hopped-up petty dictator in a no-where state.
The US then provides said dictator with funds.
For a chemical weapons program.
To be used against an enemy of the USofA.

Then, the hopped-up petty dictator uses the chemical weapons.
Against a non-enemy of the US.

Does the US immediately take any action against said hopped-up petty dictator?


His killing these people ONLY becomes an issue in later years.

...this reminds me of Microsoft and any company that they work in a "partnership" with.
Any deity worthy of a graven image can cobble up a working universe complete with fake fossils in under a week - hey, if you're not omnipotent, there's no real point in being a god. But to start with a big ball of elementary particles and end up with the duckbill platypus without constant twiddling requires a degree of subtlety and the ability to Think Things Through: exactly the qualities I'm looking for when I'm shopping for a Supreme Being.
New As to point one?
Please tell me where anything remotely conceived of as >justice< was referenced?

You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New I think it was freeing mumia

At some point, progressive politics reached a state where freeing Mumia was considered critical and electing a Democratic president was considered optional.

From the original article.

Frankly I have no knowledge on this guy. A website is [link|http://www.freemumia.org/intro.html| here.]
New Ok.
Here's what you need to know.

Convicted cop killer. Witnessed to have done it. Killing shot...point blank...in the face.

If someone wants to make a point about >justice<...they really should pick a better case.

[link|http://www.grandlodgefop.org/faulkner/danny.html|On December 9, 1981,] at approximately 3:55 a.m., Officer Danny Faulkner, a five year veteran of the Philadelphia Police Department, made a traffic stop at Locust Street near Twelfth Street. The car stopped by Officer Faulkner was being driven by William Cook. After making the stop, Danny called for assistance on his police radio and requested a police wagon to transport a prisoner. Unbeknownst to him, William Cook's brother, Wesley [link|http://www.danielfaulkner.com/mythsdir.html|(aka Mumia Abu-Jamal)] was across the street. As Danny attempted to handcuff William Cook, Mumia Abu-Jamal ran from across the street and shot the officer in the back. Danny turned and was able to fire one shot that struck Abu-Jamal in the chest; the wounded officer then fell to the pavement. Mumia Abu-Jamal stood over the downed officer and shot at him four more times at close range, striking him once directly in the face. Mumia Abu-Jamal was found still at the scene of the shooting by officers who arrived there within seconds. The murderer was slumped against the curb in front of his brother's car. In his possession was a .38 caliber revolver that records showed Mumia had purchased months earlier. The chamber of the gun had five spent cartridges. A cab driver, as well as other pedestrians, had witnessed the brutal slaying and identified Mumia Abu-Jamal as the killer both at the scene and during his trial. On July 2, 1982, after being tried before a jury of ten whites and two blacks, Mumia Abu-Jamal was convicted of murdering Officer Danny Faulkner. The next day, the jury sentenced him to death after deliberating for four hours. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania heard the defendant's appeals and upheld the conviction on March 6, 1989.

You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Like I said, I know nothing of this case...
but the web site I pulled up indicates that the officer was killed with a .44.

(I only mention it to tweak boxley's Vince Foster issue).
New I'm sure it does.
I guess you didn't [link|http://www.danielfaulkner.com/mythsdir.html|follow the link?]

I bet it said that, in addition, 4 people saw someone running from the scene. One was a prosecution witness that saw Cook shoot the cop, the other 3 didn't actually see the shooting. Add to that the racist Judge and all white jury...I'll bet its all there.

They're trying...have been for 22 years...but the facts are very simple. He shot a cop in the back...then finished him off with a shot to the face...with >his< gun...and the ammo pulled from the dead cop matched the type and rifling of the spent shells found in his gun...that was sitting right next to him on the ground...removed from the holster that he was wearing at the time. Oh...did I mention that he was seen doing it?

22 years of spin seem to have some folks convinced otherwise...and seem to get the guy treated like some kind of political prisoner...not a failed disk jockey turned cab driver turned cop killer.

You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New I don't know the case either, but I do find it interesting..
that the fact that some of the war protestors apparently support a review of this guys case is being used by the medja and other right wing loonies to paint all people protesting the impending war as cop-killer lovers.

Of all the people that were at the marches, this small subset is getting the most press and air time. It's the same ol', same ol' bullshit from the right-biased press in this country: "Look! See! All these lefties are evil. They even love cop-killers!"

Geez, what I wouldn't give for a press free of corporate influence. About the only popular news outlet I can stand to read anymore is the oldest news magazine in the United States: The Nation.
New Its simple really.
They are all, every one of them, being duped by someone with alot of lies and a different agenda.

Its quite an impressive list, actually. Some folks I had a decent amount of respect for.

Since its a "Philly" thing...though slightly before my time...there is no end of debate about it...and despite alot of grandstanding in the trial...Mumia couldn't...and still cannot...counter the base evidence...officer shot with his gun, in his possession, with his ammo and he was seen doing it.

Somehow they have taken a taxi driver/cop-killer and made him a world-reknown political prisoner. It is an amazing story of marketing that even MS would be proud of.
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New When the usual suspects get together to organize a march
they get most of the press. When a march is organised the idea is to get numbers so list it as a anti-war march. Once everyone is there you have a captive audience for the organizers pet peeves which are usually marginal to the people marching and reckless to the rest of society. However since you brought the bull horns and microphones you get to call the tune. Stupid I know but the news only covers the loudest voices which are often the snivelling unwashed.
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

You think that you can trust the government to look after your rights? ask an Indian
New we be gassing minoritues in california for years :-)
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

You think that you can trust the government to look after your rights? ask an Indian
     OpEd+facts: Marching With Stalinists - (marlowe) - (14)
         Do you ever think about anything else? - (deSitter)
         It's good to be reassured that... - (a6l6e6x)
         stalinists are not communists, they are statists -NT - (boxley)
         I'll take this one. - (Brandioch) - (10)
             In some sick, twisted way... - (inthane-chan)
             As to point one? - (bepatient) - (7)
                 I think it was freeing mumia - (Simon_Jester) - (6)
                     Ok. - (bepatient) - (5)
                         Like I said, I know nothing of this case... - (Simon_Jester) - (4)
                             I'm sure it does. - (bepatient) - (3)
                                 I don't know the case either, but I do find it interesting.. - (mmoffitt) - (2)
                                     Its simple really. - (bepatient)
                                     When the usual suspects get together to organize a march - (boxley)
             we be gassing minoritues in california for years :-) -NT - (boxley)

"The professor in a thong"?
72 ms