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New A few notes on the UN conference to kill the jews in Durban
South Africa
a few quotes
"Meanwhile, resolutions effectively calling for the dismantling of the State of Israel were voted upon by regional caucuses and adopted by the non-government
organizations' forum at the World Conference Against Racism in Durban last night, despite commitments by some major human-rights organizations to fight the resolutions.

The Jewish Caucus at the conference, representing 11
Jewish NGOs such as the ADL, B'nai B'rith, Hadassah
and the Wiesenthal Center, walked out of the conference
after a resolution it introduced against anti-Semitism was
not included in the document. "This forum is now
Judenrein," Samuels said.

Huh the Germans couldnt do it but the UN will.

"This document certainly changes the vernacular of the
human rights community. If this language is accepted by
the international community, it means no possibility for a
Jewish state. This is a maximalist language - a dream
come true for the Palestinians."

One exploding cigar and Fidel still doesnt forgive Meyer Lansky

"Veteran Cuban leader Fidel Castro told the conference
nobody has the right to dictate to a United Nations
gathering. The 75-year-old president also charged Israel
with "genocide" over the number of Palestinian deaths
since the uprising began last September."

Thats what 98% of the world wants, dismantling the state of israel and a short bus ride to the ovens. Time to save for a trip to Israel if it gets any worse, rather die fighting there than running and hiding here.
bill who can build car bombs with the best of them.
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
New There's something I don't understand.
Why is there so much hostility towards Israel and Jews? Why are most - if not all - of the Arab states so determined to eradicate Israel? Why are non-Arab leaders like Fidel Castro so down on Israel?


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New castro is easy to understand
US ally, Israel
CIA plan to kill castro via the mafia with chitown sam giancana and meyer lanski a jew behind it. lansky was the money man in the pre revolution days. The Arabs? The ones I know personally who are muslim agree that Israel should exist and I agree with them that the palestinians need self determination, a separate state and access to markets, and that the religious leaders have to sort out the rest of the shit. A lot like the Ireland Situation, prods and repos can calmly discuss it over here but on the ground, mayhem.
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
New Ah. Thanks.

"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New A very good question
It is not rational. Alot of it is based on religion. Some of it is that people need a scapegoat. For a country like Syria or Iraq which is ruled by a dictator, and even Egypt, where their economies are in shambles, the people are oppressed etc. hatred of Israel unifies the country and takes away attention from the internal problems. This is probably why Hafez Assad never signed a peace treaty with Israel. If he had, what would then be his justification for martial law? What would he do when Israeli's came to visit and had money to spend, people might get jealous and start asking questions. Natan (Anatoly) Sharansky a former prisoner of conscience in the Soviet Union and now a cabinet member in the Israeli government has said many times that a democracy cannot really make peace with a dictator because it is the dictator's interests to have external enemies to unite his country.

As for Castro, he is anti-US and anti-West, Israel is perceived as a US ally therefore he is against.

As for other countries, money talks, and Western Europe needs oil from the Arabs and would like to sell them arms.
     A few notes on the UN conference to kill the jews in Durban - (boxley) - (4)
         There's something I don't understand. - (static) - (3)
             castro is easy to understand - (boxley) - (1)
                 Ah. Thanks. -NT - (static)
             A very good question - (bluke)

What kind of monster says “take care”?
38 ms