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New Re: It's absolutely much deeper than even that...

I a general sense, what you say seems ok. I would question the reality of US investing to clean up or improve the lot of affected people (such as Iraqis after an invasion). We need to recall that Iraq to some degree was suffering because of US led sanctions designed to cripple the country & bring down Saddam.

Vietnam suffered 20 years of a kind of 'revenge' and is behind most other parts of Asia in prosperity & recovery, which is only now occuring because US would rather mute any Vietnamese hostility at a time when the country can be used as a hedge against their tradidtional foes the Chinese.

An insight into your perspective is Nth Korea. Here in Asia there is a strong perception that NK was finally coming out of its isolation & if handled carefully would eventually have to become a responsible citizen. The view is that NK got forced into a corner by US and decided to get beligerent as its only available lever to get aid. I am no supporter of NK or its 'dear' leader - he to me is worse than Saddam by any long shot. But, I am begining to believe that NK may be justifiably putting the torch on the US as the instigator of new tensions in the region (I never believed I would find my self saying anything in support of NK).
Part of our problem in looking at NK is that many of us find it easier to think, "just NUKE the bast**** and get it over with" but anyone one with half a brain knows hoe pathetic a strategy that would be today & the devestating effect it would have on neibouring countries & world stability. Again, the prevailing (and seemingly correct) view here in Asia is that US is actually handling NK properly now that it has reacted to past approach, but that the Iraq folly is the transparent deed that is feared will create more anti-US sentiment than is needed or healthy.

Anyway, in support of your gneral views, I am one of those who believed that Reagan's tough stance against Soviets, had more to do with the falling of the berlin wall & the collapse of the Soviet empire than any other single deed such as their Afghanistan adventure. It is not lost on me that the same advisers who engineered Reagan's policies are the same people who were behind Bush 1 & now W. But, I never felt that the first 2 had to lie as much as W is doing (specificalyy re Iraq & why it will be invaded).


New We made quite a mess all over the world...
Us and the British et al and (by proxie) the Russians. The end of WWII and treaties signed then and the ensuing cold war brought about many strange bedfellows... You brought up the harm we did to Iraq, but, how about all the neat military shit we gave them when they were our friends and fighting the barbaric Iranians?

I would go even as far as to say, we helped create Sadam. Sadam's Iraq is perhaps the most progressive of the Arab countries (based on the general quality of life measures - roads, radios per 1000, etc.)

Even more interesting than NK in Asian politics (to me) is the continuing "alliance" with Pakistan against (?) India (the second most populace country in the world).

By the by, I think the US has already hinted at playing the South Korea/Japan/Hong Kong card with the Chinese (arming them with nukes that is). And, in a military sense, it would be the correct move on the US part, putting really only Hawaii (and unfortunately Australia and the whole of Asia) in immediate danger.

To wit, if you check out [link|http://www.prb.org//Content/ContentGroups/Datasheets/wpds2002/2002_World_Population_Data_Sheet.htm|http://www.prb.org//...on_Data_Sheet.htm]
and download the PDF, it will gives a summary of current population (2002) and projected to 2050. Notice who is no 1, 4, 5, and 8 in 2050. Do you think this in any way effects political planners in any countries? I honestly believe it might, but I'm just curious...

To answer one more anticipated question, yes, there are some really smart sons of bitches that "think that way" in the intelligence agencies and gov think tanks. And yes, I believe that the British (by proxie) Empire is continued through US foreign policy. I've even noticed that foreign press is even no longer including the words "and Great Britian" after "the US"... It does kind of negate the expression "the US and UK, unilaterally decided etc."

Random thoughts...


Living is easy with eyes closed
misunderstanding all you see,
it's getting hard to be someone but it all works out
it doesn't matter much to me

J. Lennon - Strawberry Fields Forever
     War on Iraq: Possible scenarios - (dmarker) - (29)
         I predicted end of January - (deSitter) - (1)
             Ross, Ross, Ross... - (jb4)
         Justification, we don't need to stinkin' justification.... - (Simon_Jester)
         Lack of evidence can mean only one thing. - (Brandioch) - (1)
             Re: Lack of evidence can mean only one thing. - (deSitter)
         Extending your first hypothisis - (hnick) - (22)
             And the best part is, he'd be right! - (marlowe) - (17)
                 Oh, for crying in a bucket... - (hnick) - (13)
                     A few thoughts... - (screamer) - (12)
                         It's more than that. - (Brandioch) - (2)
                             Re: It's more than that. - (John Ashcroft) - (1)
                                 LMAO... - (screamer)
                         The Gospel according to St. Kirk | W is "sick & tired" !! - (Ashton) - (2)
                             Klingon addendum (is this redundant?) - (screamer) - (1)
                                 Yield to the mob? LaGuerre?_Civil disobedience; c'est La Vie -NT - (Ashton)
                         Chuckle... Massive oil spills == WMD? Possibilities.... - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
                             Hazelwood was a terrorist... -NT - (screamer)
                         At last - some honesty - (dmarker) - (3)
                             It's absolutely much deeper than even that... - (screamer) - (2)
                                 Re: It's absolutely much deeper than even that... - (dmarker) - (1)
                                     We made quite a mess all over the world... - (screamer)
                 Please identify the traitor - (mhuber) - (2)
                     He has no 'program', only Cliff's Notes - (Ashton) - (1)
                         Yeah, I know. - (mhuber)
             *snort* - (jb4)
             Nit re: "spill into the Med" - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                 Yup.. you're right - (hnick)
             Nice Dubyaesque pondering there, Hugh! - (Ashton)
         Non-Justification - (JayMehaffey)

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