No. Because if we don't define our morals and follow them, then we aren't any better than any other dictator.
Which results in Might Makes Right. If we have the power, we rule.
Hmm. Definite threat. This particular sheep^h^h^h^h^hcitizen appears to be on to the general plan. Bears watching.
Our country was not founded on those principles. Our legal system is not founded upon those principles.
Yikes! Probably doesn't believe in God, either, with an attitude like that. I'll have to bring him up at the weekly prayer meeting, maybe I can convince the President to pray for his soul.
As we're getting ready in invade a foreign country that hasn't attacked anyone in 11 years, we're also stripping the rights from our own populace. Even to the point of replacing our courts with secret military tribunals and indefinate detention.
The morals you follow are all that distinguishes the democracy from the Fascist state.
On second thought, we'll skip the prayer meeting and go directly to the NSA with this guy - he's definitely got me worried.