We've seen excerpts from international news on our local stuff about how they are presenting the situation. It hasn't been favourable, unsurprisingly, but it appears few facts are wrong. I've also seen an interview with a Norwegian journalist who showed strong signs of an open mind.
Channel Seven's news site is hard to search, but I found [link|http://i7news.com.au/News/FrameSet/0,,PDI7140_DPD7153,00.html|Refugees denied access] from last Monday (27 Aug) and [link|http://i7news.com.au/News/FrameSet/0,,PDI7140_DPD7153,00.html|Record boatload hits Aussie shores] from the a day or so before.
Ah, the Sydney Morning Herald has [link|http://www.smh.com.au/news/specials/natl/tampa/index.html|a good summary] of the situation. And The Australian has [link|http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/sectionindex2/0,5746,ausfeedback%5E%5ETEXT,00.html|a feedback page] with some wide-ranging comments, though it pains me to see so many people confusing the legal and humane issues.
More recently, the ABC posted [link|http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/s355372.htm|Indonesia's position] which mentions the fact that Indonesia has some responsibilty for the water in which they were picked up and that the Tampa was closest to an Indonesian port when it did pick them up; plus a story about [link|http://www.abc.net.au/am/s354940.htm|Smuggling rings in Indonesia].
I also found [link|http://www.aph.gov.au/library/pubs/cib/2000-01/01cib08.htm|Detention of boat-people], a paper from the Parlimentary library that outlines the overall situation WRT rising numbers of illegal immigrants, the whys and wherefors of detention and comparisons to other countries. This is quite a good paper, actually. It even suggests the UN treaty may need revising.
The ABC currently has [link|http://www2b.abc.net.au/news/forum/forum30/|a rather fiery forum] going on it.