This is publication quality, Ben. Letters to the editor at the very\r\nleast, Op-Ed preferably.
\r\n\r\nThe only edits I see necessary are to remove some local\r\nreference/continuity to zIWE. I'd encourage you to shop this around and\r\nget it in print.
\r\n\r\nThere are a number of people here who manage inspired writing from\r\ntime to time, and I'd like to see some of the sensible words get broader\r\nplay.
\r\n\r\nI'll also note slight disagreement on your assessment of the 401(k)\r\nimpact. As a 401(k) holder, largely of index funds, and utilizing DRIPs\r\nwhere possible, I still prefer to see dividends for their role\r\nas a check on financial reporting practices. Recent evidence suggests\r\nthat same might stand a slight adjustment. The impact on firms who\r\nencourage reinvestment would be minimal, the feedback (by investing or\r\nspending dividend payments elsewhere) on those who fail to inspire\r\nconfidence would be invaluable market feedback.